…การพยาบาลนั้น ไม่ใช่ว่าจะมีประโยชน์แต่การพยาบาลอย่างเดียว
ชื่อ | นางสาวชิดชนก เบ็ญจสิริสรรค์ |
ตำแหน่ง | |
ผู้ช่วยอาจารย์ | |
อีเมล | chitchanok.ben@mahidol.ac.th |
ที่อยู่ | เลขที่ 2 ถนนวังหลัง แขวงศิริราช เขตบางกอกน้อย กรุงเทพฯ 10700 |
โทร | 02-4197466-80 ต่อ 1910 |
Russell Sage Colleges
ปริญญาตรี: พยาบาลศาสตรบัณฑิต (พย.บ.) พยาบาลศาสตร์มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
1) Understanding the relationship between comorbidities, medication nonadherence, activities of daily living, and heart condition status among older adults in the United States: a regression analysis and machine learning approach.
Ruksakulpiwat, S., Thongking, W., Kannan, N., Wright, E., Niyomyart, A., Benjasirisan, C., et al. (2024).
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 0, 0-0.
2) Exploring the linkages among chronic illness, substance use, and covid-19 infection in adults aged 50 years and older: retrospective cross-sectional analysis of national representative data.
Ruksakulpiwat, S., Niyomyart, A., Riangkam, C., Phianhasin, L., Benjasirisan, C., Adams, J. (2024).
JMIR Aging, 7, 63024-0.
3) Disparities in the use of annual heart health screenings among Latino, black, and Asian immigrants: evidence from the 2011 to 2018 national health interview survey.
Benjasirisan, C., Elias, S., Lim, A., Byiringiro, S., Chen, Y., Kruahong, S., et al.. (2024).
Journal of the American Heart Association, 13, 21-0.
4) Associations between diagnosis with stroke, comorbidities, and activity of daily living among older adults in the United States.
Ruksakulpiwat, S., Zhou, W., Phianhasin, L., Benjasirisan, C., Salehizadeh, S., Wang, L., Voss, J. (2023).
Chronic Diseases and Translational Medicine, 0, 0-0.
5) 'Snapshot' cohort study design across multi-site research settings: challenges, strategies, and solutions.
Tankumpuan, T., Kruahong, S., Benjasirisan, C., Davidson, P. (2023).
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 22(6), 664-668.
6) The preparation for interprofessional practice (IPP) in nursing students at Mahidol university, Thailand: the situation analysis.
Benjasirisan, C., Phianhasin, L., Ruksakulpiwat, S., Saneha, C., Boontein, P., Sriprasong, S., Kositamongkon, S., Samai, T., Prapaiwong, P., Musikthong, J., Tosuksri, W., Pattana-umpa, N., Phligbua, W., Riangkam, C., Poungkaew, A., Kongkar, R., Hanrop, S., Kasetkala, P., Jariyasakulwong, P., Lekdamrongkul, P., Tadsuan, J., Puwarawuttipanich, W.. (2021).
Siriraj Medical Journal, 73(2), 128-140.